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Menstruation is a normal part of the biological clock. However, some women find it a painful experience. What are the causes? What therapy should be applied?
Physical causes
The problem of painful periods, especially their cause, depends on the person who is the victim. For example, in teenagers, uterine contractions can trigger painful periods. These contractions, which also originate from an excess of prostaglandins. In principle, the painful periods of a young adolescent girl are not supposed to last for a long time.
If this is not the case, the pain can be attributed to another cause that is not related to those mentioned above. For example, it could be a congenital anomaly. As for painful periods in adult women, they can be attributed to a chronic genital infection.
Psychological causes
The reason for painful periods is not only related to the physical condition of the woman suffering from it. Apart from the latter, the pain may emanate from the psychological state of the sufferer. More explicitly, the painful nature of menstruation can be the price to pay following a psychological trauma.
An unfortunate event that is very significant can trigger a very painful menstrual cycle. Moreover, a certain number of scientific researches have already confirmed it. It cannot be otherwise when we know that the spinal cord is the center, the factory of production of any reflex.
Painful periods: the applicable therapy
Painful periods, known under the scientific name of "dysmenorrhea", can indeed be remedied. Modern medicine has made it a major concern. Medicinal products exist to overcome the pain. Paracetamol is a tangible proof of this. A woman subject to menstrual pain can take it at the first sign of pain.
Antispasmodic products can also do the trick. They have the capacity to blunt the ardor of uterine contractions. Anti-inflammatory treatment cannot be ignored. Allusion is made to ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. However, these medicinal tricks can in no way be preferred to the prescriptions of the attending physician.

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